When registering your vehicle you must submit a current emissions inspection certificate (if applicable) along with your registration bill, as a prerequisite to receiving a tag or renewal decal. Any vehicle more than 3 years old and up to 25 years old requires yearly emission testing prior to renewal. Georgia vehicle emission inspection and testing presently covers a 13-county region. The State Department of Natural Resources and its Georgia Clean Air Force have responsibility over the design, implementation, and public awareness aspects of the emissions program. The Fayette County Tax Commissioner is required by law to ensure emissions compliance at the time of the tag sale. If an annual registration bill is not received, please call (770) 461-3611 to request a duplicate bill. Vehicle registration and payment of taxes are the responsibility of the registrant/taxpayer. Not receiving a registration bill does not relieve the registrant/taxpayer from the obligation to register and pay taxes during their birthday registration period. Please carefully read the instructions that are included with your registration renewal form.

Fulton tag office plus#
Late penalties are 10% of the ad valorem tax (minimum $5), plus 25% of the tag fee. Registration payments must be postmarked no later than your birthday to avoid penalties. When mailing your registration payment, please allow 10 days for processing and return of your tag or renewal decal. Registration payments should be mailed early so as to allow time for return of your tag or renewal decal before your current tag expires on your birthday. In order to provide the best service to our taxpayers you have the option to renew by mail, on line or at a renewal kiosk. The registration bills are mailed out 45 days prior to the vehicle owner’s birthday (expiration date). If your vehicle in not operational on your birthday you are still required to pay the taxes due to avoid late registration penalties.

If you choose to cancel insurance on a vehicle, you must also cancel your tag registration.

You can check the status of your insurance at under insurance status. The vehicle must be covered by liability insurance at all times or per Georgia law, a lapse in coverage penalty will apply. This information must be transmitted to the state's database by your insurance company in order to register your vehicle. Georgia liability insurance is required from your insurance company. Additionally, leased vehicles require a power of attorney from the leasing company and a copy of the lease agreement. If you do not have the title and we find there is a lien on the vehicle, you must provide the current registration and name and address of the lien holder. Out-of-state titles must be surrendered and transferred to Georgia titles (year models 1985 and older are not required to be titled in the state of Georgia).
Fulton tag office license#
If you are registering vehicles for a business in Fayette County, you must provide a current business license for first time registration. In order to register, residents must provide a Georgia driver’s license with their address in Fayette County. New residents must register their vehicles within 30 days of establishing residency in the state of Georgia. If you need additional information please call our tag office at (770) 461-3611 and someone will be happy to help you. Most vehicle registration questions are answered on this web site.